SNBAA Board Associates Volunteer Opportunities

Board associates support existing SNBAA initiatives or create their own to serve the national Black alumni community. SNBAA members may choose to volunteer as an associate before deciding to run for a three-year elected board position. We are actively looking for associates with a strong fundraising background or interest in marketing. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at
SNBAA Board of Director Committees and Initiatives Volunteer Opportunities
Marketing Committee: Maintain website and coordinate social media messaging.
Regional Clubs: Coordinate programming where there are no local chapters and collaborate with regional clubs.
Undergraduate students: Engage and support undergraduate students, including connections with alumni.
Graduate students: Engage and support graduate students. Encourage membership in SNBAA.
Young Alumni: Ease the transition from graduation to integration into new lifestyle and communities.
Sierra Camp: Plan biannual black alumni weekend at Stanford Sierra camp.
Merchandising: Provide engaging new designs for member purchase to support specific activities and themes.
External Black Network Liaison: Correspond and collaborate with external black alumni organizations.
Black Alumni Business Initiative: Raise awareness of and provide support to Stanford black alumni businesses.
SBNAA/Learn: Curate content focused on the Black Experience at Stanford.
Legacy Speaker Series: Conversations with prominent Stanford Black alumni and faculty featuring Linda Lorelle.
Black Community Book: Promote membership and networking between students and alumni.